What is Gout and how to treat it?

Gout is a type of arthritis. It occurs when uric acid builds up in the blood and causes inflammation in the joints. Acute gout is a painful condition that usually affects only one joint. Chronic gout refers to repeated episodes of pain and inflammation. More than one joint may be affected.


Gout is caused by having a higher than normal level of uric acid in the body. This can occur if:

      • The body produces too much uric acid.
      • The body has difficulty getting rid of uric acid.
      • When too much uric acid builds up in the fluid around the joints (synovial fluid), uric acid crystals form. These crystals cause the joint to become inflamed, causing pain, swelling and elevated temperature in the area.

The exact cause is unknown. Gout may run in families. The problem is more common in males, postmenopausal women, and people who drink alcohol. As people age, gout becomes more common.

The condition may also occur in people with:

      • Diabetes
      • Kidney disease
      • Obesity
      • Sickle cell anemia and other anemias
      • Leukemia and other blood cancers
      • Gout may occur after taking medications that interfere with the removal of uric acid from the body. People who take certain medications, such as hydrochlorothiazide and other diuretics, may have a higher level of uric acid in their blood.

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Gout Attack

An attack of gout can occur suddenly and can often cause you to wake up in the middle of the night with the feeling that your big toe is on fire. The affected joint is hot, swollen and so tender that even the weight of the sheet may seem intolerable.

Gout symptoms may come and go, but there are ways to control symptoms and prevent flare-ups.

Gout Symptoms

      • Gout in the big toe
      • GoutEnlarge image
      • Signs and symptoms of gout almost always occur suddenly, often at night.

These include:

      • Severe joint pain. Gout usually affects the big toe, but can occur in any joint. Other commonly affected joints include the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists and fingers. The pain is likely to be most severe within the first four to 12 hours after it starts.
      • Persistent discomfort. After the most severe pain goes away, some joint discomfort may remain, which may last for a few days or weeks. Later attacks are likely to last longer and affect more joints.
      • Swelling and redness. Affected joints become swollen, tender, warm and red.
      • Limited range of motion. As gout progresses, you may not be able to move your joints normally.

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Gout Diet

It is important to change eating habits, as this can directly influence the amount of circulating uric acid and, consequently, the deposition of crystals in the joint, and to treat underlying diseases that can also favor the development of gout when left untreated, such as hypertension and diabetes, for example.

What should the diet be like?

To alleviate the symptoms of gout and prevent new attacks, it is important to prioritize the consumption of natural foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

It is also recommended to reduce the intake of foods rich in purines, such as red meat, fish, poultry and seafood, as they increase uric acid levels in the blood. In addition, about 2 liters of water per day should be drunk, as this favors the reduction of uric acid levels in the blood.

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People with gout may develop more serious conditions, such as the following:

      • Recurrent gout. Some people may never experience signs and symptoms of gout again. Others may experience gout several times a year. Medications can help prevent gout attacks in people who have recurrent gout. If left untreated, gout can erode and destroy a joint.
      • Advanced gout. Untreated gout can cause deposits of urate crystals to form under the skin in nodules called tophi. Tophi can develop in various areas, such as the fingers, hands, feet, elbows or Achilles tendons found at the back of the ankles. Tophi are usually not painful, but they can become inflamed and tender during gout attacks.
      • Kidney stones. Urate crystals can build up in the urinary tract of people with gout and cause kidney stones. Medications can help reduce the risk of kidney stones.

What should you know about Men’s Health?

Men’s health refers to all issues related to the physical, mental and emotional well-being and balance of men and includes the main causes of death and how to reduce them.

Good Men’s Health

The importance of maintaining good men’s health lies in identifying the risk factors for your health and starting to take measures to reduce them and prevent possible illnesses and accidents. The leading causes of death in men can be prevented by paying attention to certain aspects of health.

Regardless of age, most men need to pay more attention to their health since, compared to women, men are more likely to smoke, drink and delay medical check-ups.

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But Why?

That is why, according to health sector specialists, men should strive for a healthy lifestyle that includes not smoking, consuming alcohol in moderation, following a balanced diet, daily physical activity of at least 30 minutes, and regularly consulting a doctor for health conditions that affect only men, such as prostate cancer and low testosterone levels.

Although the two main reasons for medical consultation in men are diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension, they should pay attention to signs and symptoms such as abnormal secretions, excessive thirst, rash, pain, problems urinating or difficulty breathing.

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As prevention, it is important to have a lipid profile every three years from the age of 30 and three measurements: blood glucose, every three years from the age of 45 or 20, if there is overweight, obesity or a direct relative with diabetes; blood pressure, every year from the age of 30 or 20, if there is diabetes, overweight or obesity and cholesterol, every three years from the age of 45 or 20, if there is obesity or a relative with ischemic heart disease.

What to do?

      • Reduce your alcohol consumption. Alcohol abuse increases the risk of injuries and traffic accidents, as well as liver damage, cancer and long-term heart disease. Excess alcohol can also affect your mental health. Stopping or moderating your drinking can improve your health.
      • Quit smoking. The consequences of smoking tobacco include the risk of developing cancer, lung and heart disease and stroke, as well as impotence in men. Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions to have a good state of health.
      • Take care of your diet. Including fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and cereals in your daily diet helps prevent diseases such as diabetes. Limit your intake of salt, sugars and saturated fats.
      • Get active. Practice moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 2.5 hours a week. Any type of exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer, and prevent depression.

Erectile dysfunction

It is also known as male sexual impotence, is the persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection that allows satisfactory sexual intercourse.

It must be differentiated from other sexual problems, such as lack of desire, ejaculation disorders (premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and absence of ejaculation) or orgasm disorders.

Erectile dysfunction is not a disease, but a symptom. In the absence of a psychogenic cause, it is a symptom of an impairment of the vessels and nerves responsible for erection, whether due to smoking, diabetes, hypertension due to aging with age, sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity, etc. In fact, cardiovascular diseases are an important cause of erectile dysfunction.

This is a common problem that, if left untreated, can affect relationships with partners, family, and the work and social environment.

Natural Treatment

Eating more of these foods should therefore benefit affected males:

      • Vegetables
      • Fruits
      • Olive oil
      • Fish
      • Legumes
      • Whole grains

Good to know: Cocoa, which contains a high content of flavonoids with beneficial effects on blood circulation; watermelon, for being associated with better blood circulation, apparently due to its high content of citrulline, lycopene and carotenoids; and although for a while there was talk about pistachios in particular, a recent study indicates that the consumption of nuts in general, on a regular basis, improves erectile function. It is possible that the combination of healthy fats, minerals and phytonutrients may account for this beneficial effect.

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What are the Main Factors of Weight Gain?

Weight gain occurs rapidly and unexpectedly when it is related to hormonal alterations, stress, medication intake or menopause, for example; in which there may be a decrease in metabolism and increased fat accumulation. See which foods increase metabolism.

What to do?

For this reason, in case the weight gain is unexpected, even when practicing exercises and having healthy eating habits, it is important to see a doctor in case you are under treatment with medication, so that he/she can indicate another alternative that has fewer side effects. On the other hand, it is also recommended to increase energy expenditure with more physical activity.

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What causes overweight and obesity?

There are several factors that may play a role in weight gain. These include diet, lack of exercise, and genetic or environmental factors. Some of these factors are briefly described below. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) offers more information on the causes of overweight and obesity. in English content

      • Food and activity. People gain weight when they take in more calories than they burn with their activity. This imbalance is the major contributor to weight gain.
      • Environment. The world around us influences our ability to maintain a healthy weight. For example: Not having affordable parks, sidewalks and gyms nearby makes it more difficult for people to be physically active. Oversized food portions increase Americans’ calorie intake, making physical activity even more necessary to maintain a healthy weight. Some people do not have access to supermarkets that sell healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables at reasonable prices. Food advertising encourages people to buy unhealthy foods such as high-fat snacks and sugary drinks.
      • Genetics. Research shows that genetics plays a role in obesity. Genes can cause obesity directly in disorders such as Prader-Willi syndrome in English content. Genes may also contribute to a person’s propensity to gain weight. Scientists believe that genes may increase a person’s likelihood of becoming obese, but that external factors such as an abundant food supply or low physical activity would also be necessary for a person to gain weight.
      • Health problems and medications. Some hormonal problems may cause overweight and obesity, such as hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome in English content and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
      • Certain medications may also cause weight gain, including some corticosteroids, antidepressants and anticonvulsants.
      • Stress, emotional factors and lack of sleep. Some people eat more than usual when they are bored, angry, upset or stressed.
      • Some studies also found that the less sleep people get, the more likely they are to be overweight or obese. This is partly because hormones released during sleep control the body’s appetite and energy intake.

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Natural Weight Loss

Losing weight naturally is a healthy and safe method. It usually involves making small changes to your diet, exercise routine and lifestyle. In addition, when you make small changes to your lifestyle (typical in natural weight loss), you are more likely to continue these habits over the long term. A combination of these factors can help you lose weight naturally and in a safe and healthy way.

      • Make meal plans. When you are trying to change your diet and eat healthier, meal planning can be helpful.
      • Measure your portions. Counting calories, limiting certain food groups or restricting carbohydrates or fats is not always an easy diet plan to follow or completely natural. Eating all foods and watching your portions is an easier and more natural way to help you start losing weight.
      • Eat a balanced diet. Eating the right foods will go a long way in helping you lose weight and keep it off.
      • Consume 3 to 4 ounces (88 to 118 ml) of protein at each meal. Protein is an incredible nutrient in your diet. It also helps keep you satiated which could help you lose weight.
      • Aim to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits. These will provide you with many of the nutrients you need for very few calories.
      • Opt for whole grains. The grains group includes a wide variety of foods. Choosing 100% whole grain foods can add fiber, protein and other essential nutrients to your diet.
      • Drink water. Staying hydrated has many benefits when it comes to weight loss. Plus, staying well hydrated helps maintain a healthy body.

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