What should you know about Men’s Health?

Men’s health refers to all issues related to the physical, mental and emotional well-being and balance of men and includes the main causes of death and how to reduce them.

Good Men’s Health

The importance of maintaining good men’s health lies in identifying the risk factors for your health and starting to take measures to reduce them and prevent possible illnesses and accidents. The leading causes of death in men can be prevented by paying attention to certain aspects of health.

Regardless of age, most men need to pay more attention to their health since, compared to women, men are more likely to smoke, drink and delay medical check-ups.

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But Why?

That is why, according to health sector specialists, men should strive for a healthy lifestyle that includes not smoking, consuming alcohol in moderation, following a balanced diet, daily physical activity of at least 30 minutes, and regularly consulting a doctor for health conditions that affect only men, such as prostate cancer and low testosterone levels.

Although the two main reasons for medical consultation in men are diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension, they should pay attention to signs and symptoms such as abnormal secretions, excessive thirst, rash, pain, problems urinating or difficulty breathing.

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As prevention, it is important to have a lipid profile every three years from the age of 30 and three measurements: blood glucose, every three years from the age of 45 or 20, if there is overweight, obesity or a direct relative with diabetes; blood pressure, every year from the age of 30 or 20, if there is diabetes, overweight or obesity and cholesterol, every three years from the age of 45 or 20, if there is obesity or a relative with ischemic heart disease.

What to do?

      • Reduce your alcohol consumption. Alcohol abuse increases the risk of injuries and traffic accidents, as well as liver damage, cancer and long-term heart disease. Excess alcohol can also affect your mental health. Stopping or moderating your drinking can improve your health.
      • Quit smoking. The consequences of smoking tobacco include the risk of developing cancer, lung and heart disease and stroke, as well as impotence in men. Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions to have a good state of health.
      • Take care of your diet. Including fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and cereals in your daily diet helps prevent diseases such as diabetes. Limit your intake of salt, sugars and saturated fats.
      • Get active. Practice moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 2.5 hours a week. Any type of exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer, and prevent depression.

Erectile dysfunction

It is also known as male sexual impotence, is the persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection that allows satisfactory sexual intercourse.

It must be differentiated from other sexual problems, such as lack of desire, ejaculation disorders (premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and absence of ejaculation) or orgasm disorders.

Erectile dysfunction is not a disease, but a symptom. In the absence of a psychogenic cause, it is a symptom of an impairment of the vessels and nerves responsible for erection, whether due to smoking, diabetes, hypertension due to aging with age, sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity, etc. In fact, cardiovascular diseases are an important cause of erectile dysfunction.

This is a common problem that, if left untreated, can affect relationships with partners, family, and the work and social environment.

Natural Treatment

Eating more of these foods should therefore benefit affected males:

      • Vegetables
      • Fruits
      • Olive oil
      • Fish
      • Legumes
      • Whole grains

Good to know: Cocoa, which contains a high content of flavonoids with beneficial effects on blood circulation; watermelon, for being associated with better blood circulation, apparently due to its high content of citrulline, lycopene and carotenoids; and although for a while there was talk about pistachios in particular, a recent study indicates that the consumption of nuts in general, on a regular basis, improves erectile function. It is possible that the combination of healthy fats, minerals and phytonutrients may account for this beneficial effect.

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